Setup guides

As an organisation administrator

As an organisation administrator, you are responsible for setting up your organisation in MitID Erhverv. 

Before you start, you must have received an email with a link to the set up of your organisation. After receiving the above-mentioned email, you have 60 days to set up your organisation in MitID Erhverv.

When you're done with the setup, your organisation is ready to create your organisation’s users in MitID Erhverv.


  • You are appointed as organisation administrator
  • You have received an email with a link to start the setup in MitID Erhverv.
  • You will need your private MitID to log in. Your private MitID is only used to verify your identity and accept the setup in MitID Erhverv, and will not be shared with others.

1. Start setup via the link in the email from MitID Erhverv to start setup. The page You must set up your organisation opens.

2. Select the Start Setup button. The Login page opens.

3. Log in with your private MitID. Your private MitID is only used to confirm your identity and is not shared with others. Select the Next button. The Tasks to complete page opens.

4. The page gives you an overview of the tasks you must solve to complete the setup. Select the Next button. The page Should users be able to use their private MitID authenticator? opens

5. Select Yes or No to the question whether the organisation allows the use of private MitID authenticator. Select the Next button. The organisation's appointed authenticator page opens.

6. The MitID app is pre-selected as the appointed authenticator that users can use on behalf of the organisation. Adjust selection if you want to offer another appointed MitID authenticator to your users. Select the Next button. The Select the identification method you want to use page opens.

7. Now you must choose whether you want to use your private and/or seperate MitID authentification in MitID Erhverv. Select the Next button. The Summary page opens.

8. Check data is correct. Select the Approve Setup button. The Receipts page opens.

9. Select the Finish Setup button. The Welcome to MitID Erhverv page opens.