How to get MitID Erhverv as an association or voluntary association

1: Prepare your association

If only one individual from your association needs access to public self-service solutions and to read Digital Post on behalf of your association, you do not need to connect to MitID Erhverv. 

If you register the representative of the association in the CVR register, the representative can subsequently log in on behalf of the association with his/her private MitID.

Read more here if you are unsure whether or not you need MitID Erhverv
If several members from your association need to access public self-service solutions (e.g. read the association’s Digital Post or report maternity leave and illness) you need to connect to MitID Erhverv.

It is a representative of your association (e.g. chairman or board member) who will have to connect the association to MitID Erhverv. If you register the representative in the CVR-register on, the connection can be done automatically.

Register an association representative in the CVR-register at

Read the guide to registering an association representative in the CVR-register at (the guide is in Danish)

Please note that it can take up to 24 hours from registering an association representative until the representative can log in with their private MitID on behalf of the association.
If you have not registered an association representative in the CVR, connecting to MitID Erhverv cannot be done automatically. Instead you must upload documentation of the association representative’s relation to the association in the connection process.

The documentation can e.g. be a summary of a general meeting or a meeting of the board of directors. Make sure to have these documents ready in a scanned version so that they can be easily uploaded. The full name of the person must appear on the documentation

You can see the documentation required (organisation code 110 or 115) if you do not have a registered association representative for your association in the CVR-register.

See documentation requirements

When you connect your association to MitID Erhverv, it can be done in two ways:

  • The association representative connects the association via the digital connection flow

  • A reporter (e.g. an administrator in your association) logs into the digital connection flow and prepares the connection. The representative must then log in and accept the reporter’s choice

An association representative is a person who can enter into agreements on behalf of the association.

2: Connect your association to MitID Erhverv

First step is for the association representative or the reporter to log in with their private MitID. It is to prove their identity to MitID Erhverv.

It is important that all users and administrators can be identified securely and unambiguously through a login.

The login information is only used to identify the person. The information is not shared with the organisation or saved.

The association representative must accept the terms and conditions of MitID Erhverv.

The terms govern the creation and ongoing use of MitID Erhverv. The terms will be updated on a regular basis. Upon updates, all organisation administrators will be notified of the new terms. The new terms will apply 3 months after the update is sent to all user organisations in MitID Erhverv.

The addition of new services or functionality to MitID Erhverv, and special terms attached thereto that do not affect the existing functionality and operational conditions of the user organisation, may be done without notice.

Read the terms of MitID Erhverv

Once you have accepted the terms, you must appoint an organisation administrator.

The organisation administrator will be in charge of your organisations setup in MitID Erhverv (see step 3).

The association representative may choose to have the role themselves or to appoint someone else as an organisation administrator. Or both.

Read more about the role of organisation administrator

Finally, the connection can be confirmed and approved.

At the end of the connection to MitID Erhverv, a receipt will be received by e-mail. The selected organisation administrator will also receive an e-mail with a link to set up the association in MitID Erhverv.

3: Setup the association

Once your association has completed the connection to MitID Erhverv, the organisation administrator will receive an e-mail with a link to the setup flow.

The first step is for the organisation administrator to log in with his/her private MitID to prove his/her identity to MitID Erhverv.

It is important that all users and administrators can be identified securely and unambiguously through a login.

The login information is only used to identify the person. The information is not shared with the organisation or saved.
The organisation administrator will subsequently have to choose how users in the association should be able to login.

The organisation administrator will have to decide on:
  1. Should your users generally be able to use their private MitID when they act digitally on behalf of your association? Then the user only needs one MitID. The association’s data and the user’s data are completely separate when a user uses their private MitID on behalf of the association
  1. What separate MitID authenticators does the organisation make available to users if a user wants to have one MitID for private use and another for business purposes? MitID app is pre-selected when you set up your organisation in MitID Erhverv. If you want to make other MitID autenticators available to your users (e.g. code display, audio code reader or chip), you can select them in MitID Erhverv after the setup has been completed

Read more about how to login with MitID Erhverv
The organisation administrator must then choose how the person wants to log.
  1. With private MitID (e.g. the MitID app used for private use). Then the user only needs one MitID. The association’s data and the user’s data are completely separate when a user uses their private MitID on behalf of the association
  2. With a separate MitID for business use. The user then has one MitID for private use and another MitID for business use
In the setup flow, the organisation administrator can choose a MitID app as separate MitID. If you want to use a code display, audio code reader or chip after setting up MitID Erhverv, it can be selected under settings in MitID Erhverv.
Finally, the organisation administrator must approve the setup. The association now has MitID Erhverv.

The organisation administrator can now log into MitID Erhverv.

4: Activate users

If you have imported users and administrators from NemID medarbejdersignatur to MitID Erhverv before the 1st of november 2023, the users can be activated. Only after the users are activated are they able to login on behalf of the association.

Under ‘Imported Users’ in MitID Erhverv, the user administrator can view all imported users and is able to:

  1. Activate the user individually by clicking on the user and choose how they should be able to login (e.g. with private MitID or a separate MitID)
  2. Activate all or several users simultaneously by selecting the users and choose how they should be able to login (e.g. with private MitID or a separate MitID)
  3. Delete users who do not need to be activated in MitID Erhverv

Users who are not activated will remain under the ‘Imported Users’ page until they are activated or deleted.

After activation, each user receives an activation e-mail.
After the user administrator has activated the users, each user must activate.

The user has received an e-mail with an activation link and will have to use their private MitID the first time they login.

If the user administrator has chosen that the user can login with private MitID, the user must now approve or reject this. If the user administrator has chosen that the user can login with a separate MitID (e.g. a MitID app), the user must also activate this.

Once the user has been activated, the user can act digitally with e.g. MitID app on behalf of the association.

Now you are ready to connect to MitID Erhverv

Once you have prepared your association for the connection to MitID Erhverv, an association representative or reporter can start the connection process.