Step 2: Connect

If you've decided that your organisation should be connected to MitID Erhverv, there are four steps you need to go through. You can read more about the four steps on this page.

It is a management representative in your organisation who connects the organisation to MitID Erhverv. A reporter, like an administrator, can help prepare the connection. The connection is digital. Please be adviced that the second website below is in Danish.

Start connecting to MitID Erhverv

Watch the video: How to Connect to MitID Erhverv

Log in with your private MitID

When you want to connect your organisation to MitID Erhverv, you can start the digital connection flow in two ways:

  • Your management representative starta the connection by logging in with their private MitID after which the management representative chooses the relevant organisation that has to be connected. 

  • A reporter, such as an administrator in your organisation, can prepare the setup and connection in advance after whch the management representative only have to accept the reporters choice.

To start the connection flow, the management representative has to log in with their private MitID. This is because of 
For at starte tilslutningsflowet skal ledelsesrepræsentanten eller anmelderen logge ind med sit private MitID. This is required for security reasons in order to identify yourself so that MitID Erhverv knows who the person is.

Start connecting to MitID Erhverv

The vast majority of organisations will digitally be able to connect to MitID erhverv automatically. Among other things, it requires that a management representative for the organisation is registered in the CVR register at

Some organisations cannot be connected automatically and must provide documentation before the organisation can be connected to MitID Erhverv. Case processing can take up to ten working days.

Read more about what documentation is required if you cannot be connected automatically

Accept terms

All organisations connecting to MitID Erhverv as a user organisation must accept the terms and conditions of MitID erhverv.

The terms govern the creation of user organisations og the ongoing use of MitID erhverv. User organisations has access to a number of services that are regulated in the terms and conditions.

The terms and conditions will be updated on an ongoing basis. If the terms and conditions are updated, the organisations administrator will be notified. The updated terms and conditions will be applied 3 months after all user organisations in MitID Erhverv are updated.

Any addition of new services or functionality in MitID Erhverv and special terms and conditions attached thereto that do not affect existing functionality and operational conditions of the user organisations, may be done without a prior notice. 

Read the terms and conditions of user organisations in MitID Erhverv  

Select an organisation administrator

Once you have accepted the terms and conditions of use of MitID Erhverv, you must select and appoint an organisation administrator. 

There are two ways you can appoint an organisation manager.

  • Your management representative appoints an organisation administrator in the connection flow in MitID Erhverv. 

  • Your reporter can appoint an organisation administrator in the reporter flow in MitID Erhverv. The management representative then approves the reporter’s choice in the overall approval of the management representative. 

It is the organisation administrator who is responsible for the organisations general setup in MitID erhverv. An organisation must have at least one organisation administrator. The management representative may choose to fill this role on their own or to appoint someone else as the organisation administrator. If the management representative where to appoint someone else other than themselves, the management representative may opt out of being the organisation administrator. 

Please note: It is recommended that you have several organisation administrators in MitID Erhverv. If one organisation administrator where to quit, you won't be shut out of your own organisation in MitID Erhverv. Please note that the two websites below are in Danish:

Read more about the setup in MitID Erhverv

Read more about the role of organisation administrator in MitID Erhverv

Approve and confirm

Finally, the management representative recieves a summary of the connection.

The management representative must confirm and approve the organisation's connection to MitID Erhverv. 

At the end of connection process, the management representative will receive a receipt by e-mail.

The selected organisation administrator will receive an email with a link to set up the organisation in MitID Erhverv. Please note that the website below is in Danish: 

Read a step-by-step guide to the connection flow as a management representative or reporter

Frequently asked questions

When you log in to MitID Erhverv for the first time, you will have to use your private MitID. This is to confirm that the individual trying to log in is really who they claim to be. Logging in with your private MitID is comparible to you appearing physically at citizen service to acquire a passport, or that you need to show identification when you start at a new place of work.

Who a management representative is depends on what type of organisation you are.

In a sole proprietorship or a privately owned small company, the management representative is a fully responsible participant. A fully responsible participant means that the person owns or controls a sufficient part of the ownership shares and voting rights directly in that company.

In a limited liability company or public limited liability company, a management representative is one of the members of the executive board. Please note that the website below is in Danish:

See who the management representative is in different types of organisations

A reporter is a person in the organisation who is not a management representative. A reporter can be anyone in the company or association who can assist in the connection of the organisation to MitID Erhverv.

For example, a reporter can be a person with administrative tasks in the organisation. For example, it may be someone who is a NemID administrator today, who will also be an administrator in MitID Erhverv in the future.

The reporter cannot connect the organisation to MitID Erhverv alone, but can help prepare the connection so that the management representative only has to sign the connection agreement with their MitID.


The role of an organisation administrator can be given to all users created in MitID Erhverv. It is the management representative who appoints the first organisation administrator when the individual connects the organisation to MitID Erhverv.

The organisation administrator is responsible for the organisations setup in MitID Erhverv. Subsequently, the organisation administrator is responsible for the basic settings in MitID Erhverv. Please note that the website below is in Danish:

Read more about the organisation administrator’s tasks

You must connect your organisation to MitID Erhverv if you have users who have to act digitally on behalf of the organisation e.g. read the organisation’s digital mail, report maternity or illness, or log into other public self-service solutions.

MitID Erhverv replaces NemID medarbejdersignatur. Therefore, all organisations using NemID medarbejdersignatur must move to MitID Business.

All newly established organisations that have users who have to act digitally on behalf of the organisation must also be connected to MitID Erhverv. Please note that the website below is in Danish:


Read more about MitID Erhverv

If you do not have users, but only have to act digitally on behalf of your company or association, you may be able to use your private MitID (MitID private for business). Please note that the website below is in Danish:

Read more about MitID private for business

How to get MitID Erhverv

Read more about the other steps in the 'How to get MitID Erhverv' process

Step 1: Get ready

Read more about how to prepare your company or association before connecting to MitID Erhverv. Please note that the website below is in Danish: 

Go to the page Get Ready

Step 2: Connect

You are currently in this step. Here you can read about how to connect your company or association to MitID Erhverv.

Step 3: Set up framework

Once you've connected to MitID Erhverv, your company or association must set op the framework in MitID Erhverv. Read more on our website. Please note that the website is in Danish: 

Go to the page Framework