Step 1: Get ready

Before connecting your organization to MitID Erhverv, you can make sure that your organisation has made preparations to do so.

All organisations wishing to join MitID Erhverv should prepare for the transition in advance.

The vast majority of organisations will find that the digital connection process in MitID Erhverv can be carried out automatically if the organisation has registered a management representative in the CVR. This applies in particular to associations, sole proprietorships, APS, A/S, limited partnerships and cooperatives.

Other types of organisations cannot connect to MitID Erhverv automatically. In these cases, there is a need to upload documentation for manual processing before the organisation can connect.

Below you can find your type of organisation and get an overview of what to prepare for before connecting to MitID Erhverv.


Associations and voluntary associations

Many associations and voluntary associations will experience having to prepare for the connection to MitID Erhverv.

Therefore, as an association and voluntary association, there are two steps that you with advantage can prepare for before connecting to MitID Business.

Step 1: Do you need MitID Erhverv?

The first step is to assess whether or not you need MitID Erhverv. If you only require access to public self-service solutions and the ability to read digital mail on behalf of the association, you do not need to connect the association to MitID Erhverv. Instead, you can register a representative of the association in the CVR register, after which the representative can log in on behalf of the association’s with their private MitID.

Many associations will be able to operate solely with MitID private for business – but the choice is of course yours.

Read more about MitID private for business

Step two: Register an association representative for your association

If you asses that several people from your organisation need to access public self-service solutions e.g. read the association’s digital mail or report maternity leave and illness, you should join MitID Erhverv. 

If you choose MitID Erhverv, a representative of your association (e.g. chairman, other board member or a cashier) can connect the association to MitID Erhverv. If you register the representative in the CVR on Virk, the connection can be done automatically. Please note that the website and PDF is currently only available in Danish:

Registrer an association representative at Virk (opens in a new window)
PDF guide to registering an association representative (opens PDF in a new window)

If you haven't registered an association representative in CVR, you must upload documentation of the association representative’s association with the association in the MitID Erhverv connection process. E.g. in the form of a summary of the general meeting or the meeting of the board of directors. You can prepare these documents beforehand in a scanned version so that they can be uploaded easily.

Read more about the documentation required (check organisation code 110 or 115) if an association representative for your association is not registered in the CVR. Please note that the website is currently only available in danish:

Read more about required documentation for manual connection

Sole proprietorships

Do you need MitID Erhverv?

It might be sufficient that you as the owner (fully responsible participant) can access public self-service solutions and read digital mail on behalf of the company. In this case, you are not required to connect the company to MitID Erhverv. Instead, you can use your private MitID to log in to public self-service solutions.

The vast majority of sole proprietorships can cope with this simple solution, but the choice is yours.

Read more about MitID private for business

If you choose MitID Erhverv 

If you have multiple users who have to act digitally on behalf of the company, you can connect the company to MitID Erhverv. You as the owner (fully responsible participant) of the company are able to enter the connection agreement with MitID Erhverv.


ApS, A/S, limited partnership, cooperative and other companies

The vast majority of companies will need to connect to MitID Erhverv. It is therefore important that you make sure that your company is prepared to start the connection to MitID Erhverv.

Connection to MitID Erhverv

If you elect MitID Erhverv, a management representative from the company (i.e. one from your management, e.g. director, board member or member of the Executive Board) must start the connection process to MitID Erhverv.

Before connecting to MitID Erhverv, we recommend that you ensure that the CVR register is updated with current information about your management. Please note that the website is in Danish:

Update management representative at Virk

If you have problems adding a management representative to the CVR register, you can contact Virk. Please note that the website is in Danish:

Contact Virk in connection with registration of management representative

If it is not possible for you to register a management representative from your company in the CVR register, you must upload documentation of the management representative’s association with the company in the MitID Erhverv connection process. This is documentation e.g. in the form of summarys of the general assembly or the meeting of the board of directors.

You can make sure you have these documents ready in a scanned version so that they can be uploaded easily.

Read more about the documentation required to demonstrate the management representative’s relationship with your company. Please note that the website is in Danish:

Read more about required documentation for manual connection

Other types of organisations

Can't find your or your organisation type above?

Then you can read more about the type of documentation required for your organisation to start using MitID Erhverv. Please note that the website is in Danish.


How to get MitID Erhverv

Read more about the other steps in the ‘How to Get MitID Erhverv’ process

Step 1: Get ready

You are currently in this step. Here you can read about how to prepare your company or association for MitID Business.

Step 2: Connect

Connect your company or association to MitID Erhverv. Read more about connection and access the link to the digital connection process. Please note that the website is in Danish:

Go to the Connect page

Step 3: Set up framework

Once you've connected to MitID Erhverv, your company or association must set op the framework in MitID Erhverv. Read more on our website. Please note that the website is in Danish: 

Go to the page Framework

Go back to "How to Get MitID Erhverv'

Please note that the website is in Danish.